Changing role of statistical offices in the national data ecosystems
64th ISI World Statistics Congress
Format: IPS Abstract
Session: IPS 177 - Data Stewardship - a new field of work for national statistics offices
Monday 17 July 2 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. (Canada/Eastern)
The increasing digitalisation and rapidly developing national data ecosystems bring along new demands and opportunities for the national statistical offices. This changing role is often commonly referred to as ‘data stewardship’ but its practical implementation can look very different in different countries. To help clarify this area and facilitate the work of NSOs in adapting their role to the changing situation, a Task Force under the UNECE Conference of European Statisticians developed a common definition of data stewardship, and a set of possible responsibilities of an NSO as a data steward. Based on the information and country examples gathered by this Task Force, the presentation attempts to build something that can be considered as a starting point for a framework of data stewardship.