64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Reflections on the Changes Called for in GAISE II and Implications for a Revision of the College Report


64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Format: IPS Abstract

Session: IPS 490 - Looking to the Future: Important Themes in Statistics Education

Tuesday 18 July 4 p.m. - 5:25 p.m. (Canada/Eastern)


GAISE II describes a framework of essential concepts and 22 examples across three levels of skills development for including statistics in the PreK-12 curriculum. The session will include examples and a discussion of the implications for introductory statistics at the college level.

GAISE II presents a future driven by data and paints a vision where every individual is confident in reasoning statistically, making sense of data, and knowing how and when to critique information based on data. The document describes a framework of essential concepts and 22 examples across three levels of skills development. GAISE II builds from GAISE I and in particular highlights:
1. The importance of asking questions throughout the statistical problem-solving process that remains at the forefront of statistical reasoning for all studies involving data
2. Different data and variable types, and the process of collecting, cleaning, interrogating, and analyzing data
3. The introduction of data science into the curriculum
4. Multivariate thinking throughout all Pre-K–12 educational levels
5. The role of probabilistic thinking in quantifying randomness throughout all levels
6. The recognition that modern statistical practice is intertwined with technology
7. Clear and accurate communication of statistical information
8. The role of assessment at the school level
The discussion will include how these emphases might connect to a revision of the GAISE College Report.