64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Capturing family members’ controlling behaviours as an extension of crime and victims survey


Dr Michael Slyuzberg


  • K
    Kimberley Turrell
  • D
    Dr Michael Slyuzberg
  • T
    Tianying Chu


Family violence is a key issue of concern in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is well known that family violence is gendered, and it is women who are more likely experience repeated and severe forms of violence. Controlling behaviours are a particular form of family violence when specific acts of control are used to isolate and harm a person and impact their self-determination.
This presentation examines the prevalence of women experiencing controlling behaviour and harm in the context of family or intimate relationships in a 12-month period as recorded through newly added set of questions in Cycle 4 (2020/21) of the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS).
Results show that 20% of New Zealand women experienced harm because of controlling behaviour by an intimate partner or family member and just under 10% of women reported experiencing at least one specific act of controlling behaviour that occurred with harm. The likelihood of a woman’s partner or family/whānau member using a controlling behaviour that resulted in harm was higher in women with diverse sexualities, who were younger (15 – 29 years), were disabled or were Māori. This presentation will detail these trends and explore the context and consequences of these in terms of harm and help-seeking behaviours.
Future work should prioritise insights from the most at risk groups, especially the voices of women who experience more consequences because of controlling behaviours. It is important to hear the experiences of these women so we can understand where needs are not being met in the family violence system or by services designed to assist.