64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Geospatial Technologies for modernizing and transforming National Statistical Systems in Africa


64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Format: IPS Abstract

Keywords: "information, "spatial, "statistical, 'sustainable development goals', 'sustainable development goals'africa, geospatial, geospatial_data, modernization;


The availability of consistent and accurate geographic information is a key enabler for the growth of national economies. Geospatial information technologies are essential for designing economic and social elements of services of governments such as transportation, energy, the environment, health care, and education. Mapping Socio-economic indicators improves the ability to make a better decision in the various socio-economic development sectors. Collecting, managing, and analysing administrative data also rely heavily on Geospatial Information Technologies. Geospatial technology has modified the way in which data from national statistics offices are collected, stored, produced, and disseminated. Many countries have started to integrate GIS into their census mapping processes and surveys, developed a geo-referenced database of dwelling locations and clearly delineated enumeration area boundaries from high-resolution satellite imagery. Transformation and modernization of statistical systems in Africa are following the path to integrate the geospatial information with statistics which is now recognized globally and in the continent.