64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Measuring SDGs in Colombia: Challenges and opportunities from the NSO experience.


64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Format: IPS Abstract

Keywords: agenda2030, data_governance, innovation, sdg-monitoring


The following document shows the different strategies and initiatives DANE and several Colombian institutions have carried out in order to foster and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Main strategies include: a) training and capacity building from United Nations Custodian Agencies, b) articulating national stakeholders in the overall legal national strategy to implement the SDG (Conpes 3918 – 2018), c) fostering the use of alternative data sources and methods, d) to explore alliances with CSO to fill data gaps, and e) to explore the possibility to use citizen science, including citizen-generated data.

Results show an acceleration in the production of indicators based on the analysis of the barometer tool for the measurement of the SDGs indicators progress, which highlights the importance of keeping track of these kinds of actions. However, it will also show that more efforts are required to meet the 2030 Agenda requirements, particularly in points d) and e), where DANE is still ongoing with different initiatives to get a more active involvement of civil society in relation to the SDGs indicators monitoring.

Some adjustments also could be done in point b), based on the experience with some particular indicators. These results show that the generation of trust, clear governance, and identification of adequate focal points were successful activities to foster SDG implementation in the country.