64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

European Initiatives to sustainably use new data sources for official statistics


64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Format: IPS Abstract

Keywords: big data, new data sources


Still today, official statistics is almost exclusively produced from data collected through surveys, censuses and from administrative records. Digitalization and the emergence of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) have brought a growing availability of real-time and close to real- time data that have opened opportunities for providing timely views and increase the understanding of our economies, labour markets and societies. Using such data for official statistics have the potential to enhance the quality of official statistics and also possibly reducing response burden and costs. They are essential in understanding new phenomena such as the use of platforms and can provide details that surveys can never offer, such as almost real-time energy consumption by households or businesses. In short, such data are indispensable for maintaining the high relevance of official statistics.
The talk will provide an overview on initiatives in Europe to sustainably use innovative data sources for utilising these data for public purposes, especially for the production of European statistics. The European Data Strategy is aiming at creating a single European data space where data can flow across borders and sectors within the European Union based on clear and trustworthy data governance mechanisms. The Data Governance Act opens up additional data from public administrations and builds the foundation for the creation of Common European data spaces in different domains, such as environment, health, energy or mobility. It provides opportunities for Statistical offices to adopt data steward services as competent authorities or as single information points. The proposed Data Act will enable use of data in crisis situations.
In June 2022, the report of a Commission expert group was published that contains recommendations of an independent expert group related to the sustainable use of innovative data sources to official statistics. It is a major input to the legal initiative of Eurostat for the revision of the regulation on European statistics, which aims at enabling the sustainable use of these data for European statistics. In addition, it should provide mechanisms for better responding to pressing data needs and should deepen the collaboration between statistical offices within the European Statistical System.