The IMF’s journey to modern data governance and statistical innovation
64th ISI World Statistics Congress
Format: IPS Abstract
Session: IPS 186 - Challenges of modernizing the production systems in official statistics
Monday 17 July 10 a.m. - noon (Canada/Eastern)
The IMF has stepped up efforts to increase the value of economic data assets provided by member countries and third-party sources in support of the Fund’s core business of lending, surveillance, and capacity development. Key elements of the Fund’s strategy include the adoption of common standards and procedures to improve data governance across departments and the upgrade of infrastructure and tools to enhance discoverability. Furthermore, the organization is increasingly accessing nontraditional sources and using machine learning and other innovative techniques to fill data gaps and to support its policy advice on emerging priorities, like climate change or digital money. This talk will provide an overview of the IMF’s modernization program to better respond to the evolving data needs of the organization and its members in the digital age.