64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

A Cluster based Atlas to support governments in decision making.


Cluster Development Interactive Atlas:

The Atlas is a GIS based platform that aims to facilitate quick access to data and indicators.
Data is fed and updated periodically by line ministries to monitor their indicators. The Atlas contains main indicators classified according to topic in the form of infographics, showing data at the level of Palestine in general and at the level of the governorates and localities according to the detailed geographical layers that help the user of the atlas to understand the relationship between the indicators and their spatial dimension. The Atlas allows maximum benefit from geographical data by analyzing, understanding and manipulating it through linking data to its location on the map and link it with several phenomena, which helps to understand it more broadly by the planning and decision-makers in the country and thus assess the development needs of various geographical levels.

The Atlas also contains development plans related to the agricultural cluster. The database of this cluster was fed in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, as the data shows the progress of work on each of the cluster's goals.

PCBS is currently working on building a cluster development Atlas for population, agriculture, tourism, and energy, in addition to some supporting indicators for the 2030 Agenda indicators.